Saturday, November 20, 2010

Life, God, and Gratitude

Life has been life this past week and God has blessed me enough to be able to live it on life's terms.  Nothing earth-shattering (at least in my sick mind) has been transpiring.  I have been doing the day to day stuff of being a child of God, mother of two, wife of one, and friend to many.  I could how my husband is slacking off on helping me around the house and my kids' bickering drives me crazy...but I guess I won't.  I will instead make a gratitude list and then leave you with a beautiful video of a presentation of the Prayer of St. Francis. (It is take a look :)

I am grateful for:
  • God's grace, love, and mercy
  • family
  • friends
  • pup
  • home
  • emotional security found in making conscious contact with God, my Higher Power


  1. I am so thankful for your beautiful and brave heart Marie...hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! :-)

  2. My weeks have been crazy. I long for some quiet routine. I like the way you turned it around to a gratitude list. Hope you and your family have a blessed Thanksgiving.


Thank you for sharing!