Thursday, July 8, 2010

God's Playground

Spending quality time with my husband and children makes living in the moment so beautiful.  We went to a theme park today.  The laughs, smiles, and love we shared was more exciting to me than all of the roller coasters we rode.  I am so blessed.

Talking with women in recovery also refreshes my spirit.  I was blessed to be able to do this today with my sponsor and two women that refer to me as their sponsor. 

Some days the wind is at my back.  Today was one of those days.  It was as if God scooped me up and gently carried me to each destination, all of which were like magical playgrounds -havens- where thoughts of the past and future did not exist and maybe couldn't have even if I wanted them to; and where the love and joy of a family that suffers from the effects of mental illness and alcoholism, outshone any unexpected obstacles that came our way.  The road closures, getting lost, and the rainstorms we got caught in while outdoors only added to our adventure. 

Today, I truly enjoyed the ride.  I hope you did, too. 


  1. :) This is a beautiful post full of JOY! Thanks for sharing it!

  2. oh how I love being present for the ride!


Thank you for sharing!